Thursday, 24 January 2019

Why can't I lose weight?

At the beginning of a new year lots of people plan to lose weight but find that they struggle to meet their goals. Today I would like to highlight 10 reasons why people don't lose weight.

Reasons why you are having difficulty losing weight

1. You have health reasons for putting on weight or difficulty in losing weight. For example, thyroid problems and some medications may contribute to difficulties losing weight. Solution: Always get a health check if you have got a lot of weight to lose and especially if you are finding things difficult.

2. You eat too much. This sounds obvious but some people don't realise exactly how much they are eating. Added to this your body doesn't need the amount that you are feeding it. Solution: Become aware of the amount that you are eating. Slow down when you are eating and choose a smaller plate.

3. Diets become boring. If you eat the same foods like the same salad, same vegetables and same meat then the sameness is boring. Eating should be enjoyable. Solution: Think about colours of foods. Eat more variety of colours in your food and discover easy to prepare new meals.

4. You haven't increased your exercise enough. Of course you should do this within safe boundaries and you might need to get advice before starting any exercise regimen. Solution: Change the word exercise to activity and do different things such as clean the house or car, or go for a walk. Its all activity and if you achieve something you will feel better.

5. You eat the wrong things. Its about understanding what you eat and making the right choices.. Solution: Read the labels on food packets. One way to reduce your calorie intake is to swap a shop bought chicken and salad sandwich for a home made sandwich because you could use low calorie mayonnaise and no butter.

6. You need more motivation and support. Any big task in life needs drive and support so why should weight loss be any different? Solution: Get a personal trainer if exercise is the issue, or a hypnotherapist or counsellor if you need help with your mind set.

7. You haven't set yourself realistic goals. Small amounts of weight loss at regular intervals is better than a crash diet when you try to lose a lot in a short amount of time. Solution: Eat healthily and plan to lose 1 - 2lbs a week.

8. You believe that losing weight is expensive and hard work. Solution: Preparing and cooking your own food is often cheaper than buying 'take- away foods' or convenience foods. Exercise, such as a daily walk doesn't cost anything either.

9. It's not the right time. True, if you are under a lot of stress at work or home weight management may be more difficult. Solution: If you can stop the stress. If not, get support from friends or family, learn to relax first then start again.

10. You are using your weight as an excuse to avoid something else. Solution: Think about what you really want in life and what you don't want. Can you change anything or have you got to accept some things? Find your vision. You could attend a vision board workshop.

Are there any other reasons why you can't lose weight?

If you need help please contact me for individual or group hypnotherapy, counselling, coaching or get involved in one of my vision board workshops.

Awaken that Change!

Kind regards

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